Last Updated on October 10, 2022 by Deborah L. Hardin

If there is a CDI report in your Social Security Disability file, then I have some bad news.

You were reported to the Social Security Administration for possible fraudulent statements in connection with your disability claim or some other fraudulent activities. Social Security ordered an investigation from the Cooperative Disability Investigations Unit, who prepared this CDI report about you.

These investigations are sneaky. They come to the claimants’ home under false pretenses. In many cases, the investigators say they are researching possible identity theft, or something similar. Claimants usually have no idea why investigators are really there to see to them.

They will ask you questions about your abilities and medical treatment. They observe you walking, sitting, and interacting. They go online and look at your social media accounts, public business records, and google reviews. Then, they write their reports with opinions regarding what a claimant can or cannot do based upon their limited contact and research.

These are investigators, NOT medical doctors. However, their personal opinions can cause problems.

In their report, investigators may suggest that you are exaggerating your symptoms and have greater physical capability than stated in your claim. They may also believe that you were working during periods of time that you claimed you were not working.

Request to review the investigative report. Then read it carefully, and note any incorrect statements or information taken out of context. Ask your attorney if you should write a response to the report, and submit that to Social Security. Depending on the accusations, you will likely need to provide evidence or proof of your innocence.

PLEASE NOTE: Our office does NOT condone any sort of Social Security Disability fraud, and will refuse or withdraw from your case if we suspect that you are not being forthright in your claims. We fight hard for our disabled clients. We don’t appreciate people who try to “game the system” as that only makes the fight more difficult for those who truly need and should qualify for disability benefits.

That being said, many legitimately disabled people are reported for fraud by cranky neighbors, spiteful relatives, or even an SSA employee who felt something was amiss. It is vital that you are always honest and forthright in your dealings with the SSA and with your attorney, AND that you consistently see your doctor and obtain medical treatment. If you have done these things, you should have no problem proving your claims.

You may be interested to read our recent post on the new SSA Fraud Rulings.

Contact us for help with your SSDI or SSI appeal or hearing:

The Hardin Law Firm, PLC

Our Disability Team is ready to answer your questions.

SERVING: Arkansas and surrounding areas.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this website is intended to convey general information. It should not be construed as legal advice or opinion. It is not an offer to represent you, nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship.

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